Two days from Monte, I’ve been at sea for nearly a month and have completely failed to tell you how a typical day goes by. Well, FID fans, this is what a good day looks like. When I have a bad one, I’ll write that up too.
08:00 - Get up, shower and down to the galley for porridge and toast for breakfast.
09:00 - Report to Bosun or 2nd Engineer for the day’s jobs.
09:00 – 12:00 - Work time. For the last few days I’ve been trouble shooting the fuel-oil pump control system. Other tasks include painting under the strict eye of Chris the bosun who is incredibly house proud. In his words, “she’s not just a place of work, she’s our home too”. On which‑ever job, there’s a half-hour ‘smoko’ at 10:00 to chew the fat and swap rugby related banter.
12:00 – 13:00 – Lunch in the galley. I try and eat a healthy salad, but there’s often a roast.
13:00 – 15:00 – Afternoon work, typically more of the same. When it’s sunny, I really wish I was on the top deck getting a tan. We normally sunbathe and lounge about after work.
16:00ish – Go to the gym. The running machine is hard work in heavy seas and really tests my balance.
17:30ish – Dinner in the galley. Keith and Danny will have prepared more excellent food, and lots of it.
Evening – Sun-downers on the fo’csle, drinks in the bar or a film in the cinema.
22:00 exactly – Pop up to the bridge and make a meteorological observation, before a cheeky whisky and off to bed. Although sometimes, for no real reason, everyone sits in the bar talking and drinking late into the night…
The Red Room bar in full swing