One thing Antarctica lacks is golden sandy beaches, but luckily there’s an abundance only two hours from Monte Video. Punta Del Este is a purpose built resort aimed at wealthy holiday makers from Uruguay and Argentina. The main season had yet to start, so when Rob, Andy and I arrived there was something of a ghost-town feel to the place. Not put off, we booked into a cheap but immaculate hotel and spent two days acting like we were on a gap-year. I was hoping to get a final surf, but a strong on-shore blew out a promising looking right. Instead we borrowed old Schwin cruiser bikes and explored the peninsular, getting completely and utterly lost among enormous houses of the Uruguay’s rich and famous.
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Returning to Monte, it was like boarding a different ship. 30 more Fids had come aboard and all bar four of the crew had changed. Sailing to the Falklands will be a whole new experience.
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