Thursday, April 03, 2008

Radio 4 - Team Spirit

The Radio 4 programme we contributed to some months ago has been broadcast. I've not heard it yet, but others say it's good so here's the link. Click me.


Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:24 pm GMT  
Blogger Paul Capewell said...

This is brilliant! It's great to be able to actually hear your voices. Great little show.

I hope life's treating you well whatever you're up to.

7:30 pm GMT  
Blogger Abhijeet said...

Nice blog. It depicts life as it typically exists in Antarctica, in your unique language.
What were the minimum temperatures you endured? What was the maximum windspeed?

7:23 pm GMT  
Blogger David Vaynor Evans said...

Abhijeet, thanks for your comments, I'm glad you enjoyed reading.

The coldest temperature was -47C (July) and the strongest wind was 60 knots at base, and over 75 on the coast! (Think that was Jan08)

Click the date links on the left to read more.



11:36 am GMT  

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