Monday, June 25, 2007

Photo Competition Win

Alex organised a photography competition with four categories: People; Wildlife; Environment; Whatever. Over the week people printed out their best efforts and stuck them on the corridor wall. Voting was by secret ballot, with everyone nominating first, second and third in each category, plus their overall favorite.

There were 14 entries per class. I won the people category with this:

"The Feeling of Relief" - Tom and Rob catching a snoozing during shifting 1500 drums of fuel.

And better still, got the overall win with one of my personal favorites:

"Hot-Choc O'Clock" - Alex and Tamsin heading in after a wicked night's kiting

Without wittering on and sounding like an artistic prat, I'm pleased these got the vote as they were both taken on the spur of the moment and for me, reflect the feeling of the place as well as the look.

For more horizons, click the photo below...


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